Monday, August 20, 2012

Is Rihanna confused about what love is?

In an emotional interview Sunday night, Rihanna told Oprah Winfrey that she still loves her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, who assaulted her in 2009.

“I truly love him,” she expressed on “Oprah’s Next Chapter”. “The main thing for me is that he is at peace. I'm not at peace if he is unhappy or he is still lonely. I care. It actually matters that he finds peace."

But when HLN’s Dr. Drew watched the footage, he immediately commented on what a physician hears when people make such statements.

“I talked about people identifying with the perpetrators -- here is a great example of that,” he said. “She is not OK if he is not OK, as opposed to being concerned with her own well-being. She has got to make him OK. That's pathological. That's a problem.”

Watch the full clip with special guests “Real Housewife” Taylor Armstrong and "So You Think You Can Dance" judge Mary Murphy in the video player above.

For Further Reading,