Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mark Zuckerberg Is Now Richer Than the Google Guys

How's your summer going? Probably not as good as Mark Zuckerberg's.

The Facebook CEO and cofounder's wealth has spiked in recent months as the company's stock price continues to reach new highs. On Thursday, he reached another milestone: With a fortune worth $33.3 billion, he's now worth more than Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, according to Blooomberg's Billionaires Index. Page is worth $33.2 billion. Brin's fortune is estimated at $32.9 billion.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Top 8 Reasons Why Men and Women Use Facebook


Facebook turned 10 on Tuesday, and with 1.23 billion monthly active users, 37 offices worldwide and more than 6,000 employees, it's something to celebrate.

But how are Facebook users actually using the social network after a decade?

This article is originally from http://mashable.com/, which state the details on why most of men and women use Facebook.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger

Installing Google Analytics is a huge step towards personalized online marketing. It provides you with valuable data to help you create a better web site or app all packaged in a simple format that anyone can understand. This article tells you how to install Google Analytics to track your Blogger web site.


1. Create a Gmail account.

Monday, June 3, 2013

5 Pillars of Successful Mobile Design


Wroblewski is founder of Mobile First, a former Yahoo VP, co-founder of BagCheck (which was later acquired by Twitter). He recently launched Polar, which lets users quickly set up polls to get feedback on timely issues.

We asked Wroblewski for five powerful app design tips, ranging from speed and signup processes to enforced constraints and the importance of taps.

1. Perception is not reality.

People now expect a lighting-fast user experience each time they use a mobile application. However, Wroblewski concedes the situation is actually "more dire than that, as people expect a faster experience on mobile than on the desktop, but the networks are slower." So, you're fighting performance on both sides, he says. While you can help speed things up by minimizing assets and improving response times, for example, you can only go so far. "Eventually you’ll bump into the realities of mobile networks."

Wroblewski notes techniques that improve perceived performance, giving the "sense that the app is reacting to your input, despite the fact that nothing has actually happened yet."

Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger calls this technique "performing options optimistically," meaning you can create the illusion that your action has taken effect, when in reality, it hasn't yet.

Wroblewski uses an example: When you like a photo on Instagram, the button instantly informs you that your action is complete. In reality, a network connection is in the process of telling a server what you did. "But Instagram’s user interface doesn’t wait for the server to verify this actually happened. They optimistically assume it happened," he says. "If something goes wrong later, they deal with it then rather than incurring a delay up front. Commenting works the same way."

The same principle applies to acknowledging touch gestures with subtle UI changes. Immediately when you tap or swipe, your app responds. "Techniques like this increase the perception of performance and, alongside actual performance improvements, they can go a way toward creating fast mobile experiences," says Wroblewski.

Monday, May 13, 2013

20 Animals So Ugly They're Cute

Pugs scrunching up their little flat faces. A wombat taking a stroll. A blob fish ... blobbing. Sometimes animals are just so ugly that they're actually quite cute.

You know what we're talking about. Don't deny that you find your neighbor's hairless cat adorable when it stares out the living room window at you.

We've compiled a list of some of nature's most underrated creatures in the cuteness department. After all, as the clichéd phrase goes, isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?

1. Pug

Saturday, May 4, 2013

5 quick steps for using LinkedIn for recruitment

If you’re only using LinkedIn as a glorified business-card collector, an email replacement or some kind of Facebook counterpart for business contacts, you’re missing out on its recruitment potential.

With 200 million users, LinkedIn has been making great strides lately to offer better tools for searching and posting jobs. With that in mind, here are five ways your small business can use LinkedIn to catch the next great candidate.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pregnant Kim Kardashian Elegant in White While Shopping With Kanye West in Paris

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been enjoying the best of both fashionable worlds in France.

Along with taking in a few runway shows during Paris Fashion Week, the expectant couple have been engaging in some high-end retail therapy—and dressing up for the occasion.

Kim masked her baby bump in a snowy white dress with a whimsical, feather-trimmed skirt while boutique-hopping with Kanye today. She opted for black low-heeled pumps with ankle straps and a white coat.

Their designer stops included Cartier, Kim having proved herself a fan of the celeb-favorite jeweler this morning.

"Day off in Paris! About to go shopping with @jOYCEBONELLi!" Kim tweeted before they set off, also name-checking her makeup artist.

We believe this is what Kanye was referring to when he rapped about "the good life."